Teka Unleashed - Dog Training Tips

November 15, 2019

Blue-Green Algae is Highly TOXIC to Dogs 🐶

Blue-Green Algae is a group of bacteria not visible to the naked eye unless clumped together. The blooms are most common in non-flowing fresh water-like lakes or ponds, and is more common during hot weather when there is less rainfall. It produce harmful toxins which stop a dog’s liver from functioning properly And it’s often fatal.   Dogs can be exposed to the bacteria by drinking it directly or indirectly in instances of licking their fur after being around the bacteria. ** NOTE: This group of algae are also toxic to Humans.  Symptoms can include skin/mucosa irritation, flu-like symptoms, and […]
November 15, 2019

Dogs Are Our Best Mentors 🐶

DOGS are always giving us constant feedback, meaning … if how we’re communicating is working, because they do not rationalize, reason, or obsess. They react and run on instinct. Just like us, they perceive and react to their environment … but also, interact with one another by experiencing different emotions when reading body language and mannerisms of each other. That’s why one of my passions is an ORGANIC APPROACH in TRAINING that helps you to: READ movement, gestures and mannerism. COMMUNICATE through body language. CONNECT mentally by giving cues on how to behave within a pack. ORGANIC TRAINING is learning […]
November 4, 2019

Training Pets For Emergencies 🐶

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For pet owners, preparing them for ANY type of emergency evacuation can not just save time and stress … but it can save a life !! As you would do for people, putting aside emergency supplies and having your pet’s documents in order before an emergency is vital. First and foremost, make sure they have up-to-date identification — not just in their name tags, but on their microchip as well. It makes the process of locating their families if they are lost … or checking them into evacuation centers and returning them to you much easier — if DOG […]
August 12, 2019

Eyes Are The Window Of The Soul …

 I just LOVE observing and learning how animals cope in new surroundings …  And how different PREY animals are from PREDATORS …  It’s truly fascinating.   ________________ SHAPE of the EYE  Determines whether an animal is predominantly a predator or a prey …  PREDATORS have have eyes in the front to give them depth perception to track and pursue their prey. PREYS have eyes on the side, for greater peripheral vision to see predators approaching from the side as well as from behind.  _________________ SHAPE of the PUPIL  Helps animals in their coping and survival skills  Horizontal-slit pupils are aligned […]
August 5, 2019

Bonding through Oxytocin, The Love Hormone.

Oxytocin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter that is associated, (among other things) with trust and relationship-building in both humans and animals.  Every time we gaze lovingly at our pets, cuddle, stroke, talk or even play with them, their oxytocin level goes up and so does ours. It is a cellular reaction that stimulates bonding and trust.  To understanding how important human interaction is to animals, I encourage you to use the techniques I describe below to gain the trust and understanding of your pet. For example, when we approach a fearful/skittish dog, no matter how great our intentions are, […]
July 11, 2019

Snake Prevention Tips

In this post I’m going to continue my discussion about how to keep your dog safe in the great outdoors. Particularly from snakes.   Snakes are a danger to dogs in threefold: Their strong musk scent triggers a dog’s sense of smell. Their rattling sound easily lures a dog’s impeccable hearing. The way a snake moves … it triggers a dog’s prey drive. Also, researchers have discovered some rattlesnakes are not rattling anymore!  Some even have their rattles atrophied! In fact, they believe this new rattlesnake generation are more aggressive, since they’re missing a key protective element — their rattle.     TRAINING can save […]